Various materials are used to make building materials. Most of the materials used to make gypsum are extracted from mines. Gypsum is one of the minerals extracted from the mines of the country. Gypsum is used in construction as well as in industry, but it is most used for building materials. Gypsum is 80-85%, including gypsum used in construction materials industry. Gypsum is 80-85% in the KSKISHCO, although the gypsum produced by this company is very different. Gypsum is packed 80-85% after milling, as well as other processes in the factories for the production of materials for use on the market.
KSKISHCO is one of the gypsum-producing companies that offers the best of its kind to the market. The reason for the company's gypsum quality is also in the mines that it extracts from the mineral. Some mines are of good quality gypsum, the mines in the south of the country excel in this.